
As of June 2019 applicants for U.S. visas must include information on all social media usernames or handles they’ve used in the past 5 years. They’re not asked for passwords. The questions are on DS-160 and DS-260 online applications and include applicants for temporary visas – students, visitors, temporary workers – and for green cards – permanent resident visas.  Previously the State Department, who vets these applications, required this for selected applicants but now it’s required for all. See below what the question looks like (zoom in – we’re looking for a better image). Warning: answer this truthfully. If you’ve deleted a social media account and hope it won’t be found, you’re probably wrong. Old information on the internet is still there. If the U.S. government discovers you’re not telling the truth on the application or at the interview, you can be banned from getting into the U.S. for life.

Why do they need this? The government says it’s part of their “extreme vetting” initiative. Others say it’s too intrusive. In any event, for now you must provide the information if you want a U.S. visa.