
Are you or a family member in the military or a veteran? If yes, look carefully at all the special immigration and citizenship benefits for the military. An undocumented family member may be able to get a green card, you could apply for fast-track citizenship, and even become a citizen without getting a green card! I’ve just added information on some of these benefits. ‘Parole in Place’ or PIP allows undocumented spouses, children and parents of active military who are already in the U.S. to be ‘paroled in,’ which then allows them to apply for a green card. Past crimes or other problems can still prevent you getting a green card, but PIP helps many. There’s a separate fast-track citizenship or naturalization process for active military and veterans who have served in during a time of armed conflict. That can be some time ago, for example the Vietnam War. And there’s an interesting little program called MAVNI which enables people already legally present in the U.S. for two years to apply for citizenship and skip the green card process altogether! This doesn’t apply to visitors or all other visa categories. You can get details at the new page “Military & Veterans.”